Saturday, December 19, 2009

Day 7 ~ Someone that Really Knows ME would know Why I LOVE this

But for everyone else, here's a clue ~ It is bright pink and it has the cutest little cupcake on it. (Notice a theme here -- Blog, Pink. Cupcake stuff, Pink. Get the idea that I really like pink? :D)
On Day 7, my first thought was why not try somewhere other than ETSY for Perfect Cupcake gifts? However, after searching and failing, I found myself there once again. And, imagine that, I found another great present that I would LOVE to receive. Not really a surprise. ROFL
I have to admit that some of the other stuff in this store caught my eye as well, but nothing more so than this Coffee Cup Cuff.

See, I love my Starbucks and I love it HOT. And this adorably decorated little cup cozie would be the PERFECT thing to wrap around that steaming Latte so as to save my little hands.

Everyone that knows me would know exactly why it is I would love this, just by looking at it. As for the rest of you, well, you know now too ;)
That's Day 7, short and sweet. Day 8 is the day I plan to scour the internet for something that strikes my fancy, and doesn't start it's life on Etsy. LOL Should be interesting.

No, this is not my store.
No, I do not know the person that owns this store.
No, I did not make any of the awesome stuff featured in this store.
No, I do not vouche for their business practices or ethics.
No, I am not receiving any 'benefits' from blogging about this (although that sure would be nice :D)
No, I have no idea if the stuff you purchase will arrive by Christmas.
Look, I am just posting a blog about a gift I would like to receive if I had the option of doing so. Take it as what it is. If you buy something from this person and the deal goes South, it is...
A) Not my problem. And B) Not my problem. Any transaction that happens online comes with a certain amount of risk. It is not my job to inform you of those risks. It's your money and your choice. So, if something goes wrong, consider yourself on your own when you deal with it. ;)
Be aware. Be informed. Be reasonable. But most of all, Be Happy!!

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