Anyway, I opened the mailbox Saturday night when we got home from my parents' house to find a nicely padded bubble envelope had arrived just for me (all the way from the UK.) It's a good thing that I was sitting down when I opened it, 'cuz if I hadn't been I might have woken up the girls when I fell over in amazement at the wonderful variety of artwork I received. I was so pleased, and I couldn't wait to get them onto a bracelet (although the arrangement and the findings used to attach them will likely be changed as time goes by. :D)
In the order they appear on the bracelet:
A Fairy Bottle charm by LisaB
A Three beaded blue/green charm (2 crystal, 1 handmade clay) by susietex
An Altered Scrabble Tile charm featuring a Fairy's face by The Mad Catter
A Three part charm featuring large spangle sequins, a glass bead, and a metal 'Inspire' charm by messmaker
A square charm featuring a mini Tarot card (The Hierophant) by spaine
A 'Death's Head' wrapped Leek button by Gina-B
A Altered BottleCap charm (featuring an awesome medical textbook face image) by DaDreemer
A Heart shaped charm by icequeen07
A square charm featuring a cool cat face by corduroy cat
And last, but not least
A dangling charm featuring a clay Flower bead by SunSwirlGirl
There are 10 in all, and they make a fantastically interesting bracelet. :D
I can't wait for the next charm swap, so that I can expand my collection and gather more great art charms from artists around the world!
This was a great swap wasn't it? I haven't done anything with mine yet. Your bracelet looks great.